List of Documents to Carry for TES 46 SSB Interview – MKC
Get prepared with all important documents to carry for your Indian Army TES 46 SSB Interview 2021-22. Here I am listing the Important Documents for the Indian Army TES 46 SSB Interview. Without these documents, you are now allowed to participate in the SSB interviews. So now let’s check all the necessary documents.
Army TES 46 SSB Procedure:-
Table of Contents
This will be conducted over five days including the day of arrival, in two stages:-
Stage I:– Stage I testing shall commence on the first day and will comprise of an Intelligence Test and a Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT). This is One-day activity
In case of your rejection in Stage I, you shall be returned from the Centre in the afternoon of the same day.
Stage II:- The Stage II tests comprises Psychological Tests, Group Test I & II and Interview for the next four days. Stage 2 goes for the remaining 4 days.
Army TES SSB Interview Process 2021, Day to Day Procedure.
Important Documents to Carry for TES 46 SSB:-
- Candidates who have a vaccination certificate for two doses generated from COWIN platform and are asymptomatic on arrival will be exempted from carrying a negative RTPCR Report.
- All candidates will carry and submit a COVID-19 ‘No Risk Certificate’ before coming for ssb. in case of minors, the same is to be signed by their parents/ natural guardians.
- One copy of the print out of the application duly self attested by the candidate will be carried to the Selection Centre for the SSB interview.
- Class 10th certificate and marks sheet in original showing Date of Birth.
- Class 12th Certificate & Marks sheet in original.
- ID proof in original, PAN card (or) driving license (or) passport or Aadhar Card in ORIGINAL along with two sel attested copies
- Copy of result of JEE (Mains) 2021.
- Undertaking/ Declaration for correct details of percentage in 12th class (PCM) and JEE (Mains)
- Risk Certificate
Other things to carry in TES SSB Interview:-
All candidates are advised to carry Durrie, Bed Sheet and Pillow cover (Light Bedding). These items will not be provided by the centre.
It is advised that a maximum of Rupees One Thousand over and above what is required for travelling expenses may be carried along with you.
Mobile phones will be deposited on arrival and their usage during the stay at SCE, Allahabad is strictly prohibited
For more Detail Download the Official Notice-

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This is all about the List of Documents to Carry for TES 46 SSB Interview – MKC. If you guys want to serve the nation and wanted to clear the Defence examination, can join Major Kalshi Classes, Here we have experienced faculty for all the subjects. For more inquiries, you can call us at 9696220022 and 9696330033 or go to our official website Thank you