Important Lecturette Topics for SSB Interview in 2022
After clearing the written examination you have to appear for the SSB Interview and during SSB there is a GTO Round where you can ask some important current affair questions and you have to answer them before the officers. This round is to check the personality of the candidate and that is the reason that the Lecturette round is taken personally by each and every candidate. Here we are going to list some Important Lecturette Topics for SSB Interview in the upcoming 2022.
So those who are preparing for the defence examinations must read this all blog and prepare these topics in depth so you can answer accordingly.
Lecturette Topics for SSB Interview
Table of Contents
- Quad Nations V/s NATO
- Judiciary in India
- Girls in NDA is good or bad?
- Crypto currency in India
- Agriculture in India
- Television rating point (TRP) methodology and importance
- Aatmnirbhar Bharat
- Secularism in India
- Public health sector in India
- Startups in India
- RCEP and India
- Coronavirus
- Omicron Variant
- Some new amendment in constitution like 105th Amendments
- Wha is the post of CDS in Defence?
- Agni-5 Missile
- Digital education in India
- Rank of Indian Armed forces among the world.
- Role of educating women in society building
- Uniform Civil Code
- Citizenship Amendment Act NRC and NPR
- UN reforms and India
- E-commerce in India
How to Speak Well on the given Topic:
Topics can be from international issue, national issue and social issue that only requires a fair amount of general knowledge and self-awareness. Make sure that you are well prepared with the recent International and national topics. Be confident while speaking and stand at ease with confidence and minimize hand moments, follow the sequential and chronological order to orate your point. You can start with:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion etc.
Do prepare well and excel in your Lecturette. Always speak accordingly and never take a side of any individual person or any individual thing etc. Always put some points that could easily clarify your words. To get more details about this preparation. Check our YouTube videos. Our SSB Experts have shared some best tips and tricks for the Group discussion and other group activities etc.
Process of Conducting Letcurette:-
This is the kind of game where A candidate can find a bunch of cards on the table. Each card will have 4 topics of various natures. candidate has to select one card which would have four topics and has to speak over each topic for 3 minutes or more. Let’s see the complete procedure of this test which is conducted while the SSB Interview.
- As directed by the GTO first candidate first candidate will pick up one card and will go to the nearby shown place to prepare his topic.
- 3 minutes will be given for the preparation.
- The candidate will be called by the signal of a bell for his turn.
- Once this candidate will start speaking next candidate will pick up a card and go to prepare his talk.
- Once 3 minutes 30 seconds are over, a warning bell will be rung by the GTO to signal that only 30 seconds are left.
- Indication of twice bell will be to stop the Lecturette and accordingly next candidate will start speaking.

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This is all about the Important Lecturette Topics for SSB Interview in 2022. If you guys want to serve the nation and wanted to clear the Defence examination, can join Major Kalshi Classes, Here we have experienced faculty for all the subjects. For more inquiries, you can call us at 9696220022 and 9696330033 or go to our official website Thank you.