Chemistry important topic for NDA Exam.

Chemistry important topic for NDA Exam:- Friends, if you have filled the application form for the NDA examination and are preparing for the exam. Then you must prepare all the topics related to the NDA exam properly. In the NDA exam, candidates are asked questions from subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, General Knowledge, and Current Affairs. Now, if you do not know about all the topics of each subject, then you must have trouble preparing for the exam. Therefore, in today’s article, we have brought you information about an important subject like chemistry.

Through which you will be able to know and understand all the important topics of chemistry which are very important for the NDA exam. So let’s start and give you detailed information about the important topics of Chemistry.

Chemistry important topic for NDA Exam.

Science subject is considered an important subject in tenth, 11th, and twelfth grade. On the basis of which students later decide their life goals. Now if you have made sure to join the NDA exam in the army then you must have knowledge of science subjects. In the NDA exam, the candidates are asks questions related to the 11th and 12th-grade syllabus. So let’s give information about those important topics of chemistry asked in 11th and 12th grade. Which is very important from the perspective of NDA examination.

In order to understand chemistry in a simple way, it has been divided into organic and inorganic chemistry. In which candidates can get detailed information about the physical actions and chemical actions of the atom. Following is the important topic of the chemistry of the NDA exam.

  • The basic concept of chemistry
    • In this topic, the candidate must know all the rules used in chemistry such as conservation of mass, the law of chemical equation, etc.
  • Solution
    • Information about normality, molarity, molarity, formality, the concentration of the solution, factors influencing the concentration, etc. must be known.
  • Surface chemistry
    • How a fluid has an effect on a surface and the words used for it such as adsorption, absorption, viscosity, etc. must be known in detail.
  • Electrochemistry
    • It is necessary to know how the charge (ions) generate when held by the elements and how many charges generated in the charged state of the elements.
  • Common Applications and Processes of Elements.
    • Where is the element used in daily life and how can it be made more useful. The information of isotopic, isobaric, radioactive, and isonutronic words has to be specially kept.
  • Be sure to keep an eye on the chemical and physical characteristics of all the elements present in the periodic table as well as the electronic configuration of the elements.
  • Halloalken and haloarenes
    • Be sure to know the general formulas of compounds, their applications, and chemical reactions.
  • Alcohol, phenol, and ether
    • Use of alcohol and phenol in daily life and their chemical reactions Chemical reaction and physical state of ether.
  • Biomolecule (Chemistry important topic)
    • Composition of glucose, fructose, maltose, galactose, etc. Use of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc. in daily life.
  • Chemistry in everyday life
    • Use of chemistry in daily life like in the medical field, In the laboratory sector, agriculture sector, military sector, etc.
  • Structure of atoms (Chemistry important topic)
    • Origin, the position of electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. Charges of electrons, protons, and neutrons and numerical questions related to them.
  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
    • Important words such as sigma and pie bond, bond length and bond order, resonance, hybridization, formed by combining elements, must be known.
  • State of matter (Chemistry important topic)
    • Knowledge of the state of all types of gases present in the atmosphere and the molecules present in them. To solve the numerical question related to the state of matter.
  • Thermodynamics
    • Be sure to keep in mind the questions related to the numerical questions related to the change of state of matter, the energy emitted by matter, etc.
  • Redox reactions
    • All the important information, including the factors affecting oxidation and reduction reactions, identification of oxidative and oxidizing elements, must be made.
  • S and P block element
    • Be sure to know the chemical and physical state of the S and P block elements and the position of the S and P block elements in the periodic table.
  • Environmental chemistry (Chemistry important topic)
    • Acid rain, contamination of the environment, misuse of chemistry on the environment, Keep knowledge related to keeping the environment safe through chemistry, etc.
  • Organic chemistry basic principles and techniques
    • Be sure to know the general techniques used in organic chemistry such as obtaining alcohol, obtaining phenol, and technics related to obtaining ozone gas in the laboratory.

So friends, on today’s date we have given you information about those important topics of chemistry asked in the NDA exam. All these topics are definitely asking in the NDA exam. Hope that you can prepare all the above-mentioned topics completely before the written examination. Major Kalshi remained connected with this blog of classes to get information about important topics and important questions related to all similar topics. Here we will keep you informed about the syllabus, patterns, and books related to all types of examinations related to the army.

Enroll today in Major Kalshi Classes to join the army and do all kinds of preparations related to the army and improve your future. To get the necessary information to enroll in MKC, definitely come to the Allahabad Head Branch of MKC today and improve your future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. When is the written examination of NDA to be held?
    The NDA examination held in 2021 will conduct on 18 April 2021.
  2. How to prepare for the NDA exam?
    For the preparation of the NDA examination, the candidate is requiring to read the syllabus of the 11th and 12th standard in detail.
  3. How to prepare for the NDA exam in chemistry?
    In order to better prepare for the chemistry asked in the NDA exam, please read all the important topics given above.
  4. Which is the best NDA chemistry book?
    Answer: –
    For the preparation of chemistry, the candidate must study the books of MKC Publication. MKC’s publication books are extremely useful for preparing for all types of defence-related exams.
  5. Which post is appointed by the NDA in the Army?
    Candidates who pass through the NDA examination are appointees as lieutenants in the army after completing 4 years of academic courses and training.
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