From the backdate history of the Indian Armed forces, Indian Army has played a significant role in the prosperity of the nation. Indian Army, the third largest standing army in the world ensures national security from external threats & even from the internals.
It is a major component of national power, alongside the Indian Navy & the Indian Air Force.
Though, having history of rich 125 years Indian Army has always evolved in itself . Becoming a global power ,Indian Army always contributes their best in the welfare of the nation.
The year 2020, has been very harsh for the country but not for the Indian Army Army has accomplished plenty of things in the year.
Some of the Major Achievements are :-
- INDUCTION OF CDS – There was a need for a main military advisor acting as the single-point military advisor to the government and Defence minister. The holder of the post is also the head of all tri-services command & replaces the post of chief of Integrated Defense Staff.
- Thus, CDS was inducted in charge. General Bipin Rawat was appointed the first Chief of Defence staff.
- OPERATION NAMASTE – Amid the Corona Pandemic, Indian Army launched “OPERATION NAMASTE”. Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Narvanelaunched this operation to fight against COVID -19. So far, eight quarantine facility centre has been established in the nation.
- OPERATION 500 –On Nov 19,2020 An incident took place in Nagarkota where many soldiers were injured & four terrorists were gunned down. After that incident ,Intelligence informed that around 500 terrorists are trained across the J&K borders at various terrorist launchpads. This is why, this operation was named as “OPERATION 500”.

- AK-203 RIFLES–Theindigenous built light weight assault rifle(INSAS) played a vital role for the Indian Army in various roles right from 1996. In November 2014, the CRPF requested to drop the INSAS as their standard rifle due to problems with reliability. The Director General of CRPF Dilip Trivedi said that the INSAS jams more frequently compared to the AK-47 and the X- 95.
The AK-47 203 is the latest and most advanced version of the AK-47 rifle. The Indian Army has a requirement for around 770,000 AK-47 203rifles, of which 100,000 will be imported from Russia and the rest will be manufactured in India . The rifles will be manufactured in India as part of the joint venture in which the Russian company would have a share of 49.5 % while the Indian Company would have 50.5% .
- DEAL FOR MINE PLOUGH’s – In the very start of the year , MoD deals with BEML(BHARAT EARTH MOVERS LIMITED )for the procurement of 1,512 mine ploughsfor T-90 Tanks.
This is a 557-crore deal .“These mine ploughs will be fitted on T-90 Tanks of the Indian Armoured Corps which will facilitate individual mobility to the tanks while negotiating mine field. Mine Ploughs helps tasks to clear minefields & reducerisks .
The mobility of the tank fleet will enhance manifold which in turn would extend the reach of the armoured formations deep into enemy territory without becoming a mine causality .

- THE BIGGEST ‘AIRBORNE’ EXERCISE– Indian Army conducted an Airborne Exercise named as “WINGED RAIDER “ with over 500 special forces troops .It was the biggest Airborne Exercise conducted till date. It was conducted in the Northern Theatre. Mostly Paratroopers participated in the Exercise .Paratroopers participated from C-130 Hercules and C-17 globemaster transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force, besides Dhruv helicopters during the day and night.
Another Exercise was conducted In Oct 2019 named as “HIM VIJAY” . It was a Mountain Combat Exercise & was conducted to test the war – fighting concepts of Integrated Battle Groups (IBG). An IBG has a varying mix of infantry, tanks, artillery, air defence, signals and logistics.
- “ BULL STRIKE “-Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) has conducted a three-day Tri-Service Combat Exercise code-named “Bull Strike” at Teressa Island in Nicobar Group of Islands . The exercise focused on Integrity of the TRI – SERVICES .
Elements of Indian Army’s Parachute Brigade, MARCOS (Marine Commando Force) and Special Forces jointly participated in it.
The training activities included combat free fall and paradrop from Advanced Airlifter C-130J “Super Hercules” by a company of Para Commandos, action by MARCOS of Indian Navy, and Special Heli Borne Operations (SHBO) by Indian Army Ghatak platoon.
- TOUR OF DUTY – The Major announcement was the “TOUR OF DUTY” program .This conceived scheme will allow the youths of the nation to experience the thrill of the armed forces .It will provide an opportunity to those youth fired by a desire to serve the nation but are unable to do so, because the current colour service norms for soldiers are too long. And yes, it would even be an employment generator for India in trying times and reap the demographic dividend we haven’t really encashed thus far.Now, there are 100 vacancies for officers & 1000 for jawans .
- PERMANENT COMMISSION FOR WOMEN – Women were serving in the Armed forces for the short service commission but the year 2020 bought a lot for them. Now, they can be enrolled for the Permanent commission in the service .10 streams where PC of women officers are being made available include army air defence, signals, engineers, army aviation, electronics and mechanical engineers, army service corps and intelligence corps.
- At present, the Army offers a permanent commission to women officers in two branches — judge advocate general (JAG) and education.
- DEFENCE EXPO 2020 – The 11th edition of this main event started on 5th February.It was held at Lucknow. Defence Expo is one of the largest events of its kind.

The main theme of Defence Expo 2020 was: ‘India: The Emerging Defence ManufacturingHub‘. The focus of the event was on ‘Digital Transformation of Defence’.India showed its military power to the world through this event. The major events were “Skill Development in Aviation & Defence”, “India – France Defence Industry Seminar” and “Indo- Israel -Opportunities in Defence Cooperation- Future Vectors of the Digital Battlefield”.
These were some major achievements of Indian Army in 2020 .
India is currently re-organising its mechanised forces to achieve strategic mobility and high-volume firepower for rapid thrusts into enemy territory. Peoples of India firmly believe over the Armed forces of India that whatever the situation occurs, our nation’s frontiers would be always safeguarded.