Ten Corona Virus Related Questions that can be asked in your Exam
All the candidates who prepare for the Competitive Exams either its defense exam or any other competitive exams. A candidate will have to prepare the current affairs in a better manner to clear any examination. Here in this article, I will share with you the details about the General Knowledge and General Awareness, etc. You will get here the ten Coronavirus related Questions for exams or Important questions related to Coronavirus. To get complete information regarding this, check the complete article below, I have given all the details regarding this Questions about the Coronavirus that can be asked in the competitive examinations. Check the complete article to get complete information regarding this.
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Ten Corona Virus Related Questions that can be asked in your Exam:
Whichever exam will be conducted now. There is a high chance that in the Current affairs sections most of the questions will be asked from the Corona Virus Outbreak because this virus has locked down many cities and countries.
All the candidates who prepares for the defense exams or any other competitive exams and it have the current affairs portion prepare that in a better manner to score better marks in the examination. Most of the candidates will be aware of this. It is very important to get updates with the latest news and Incidents etc. Now let’ s see the top 10 questions related to the coronavirus and I will also tell you the complete information about these questions that will be asked.
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Important Questions related to coronavirus (Covid-19):
What is CoronaVirus?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that may cause illness in humans or animals.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue and dry cough. These symptoms are usually mild and develop gradually. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease is mild in more than 80 percent of cases.
The new coronavirus deadly?
Yes, the illness is fatal in 2 percent of cases, the WHO said on February 17, citing a paper published by China with detailed data on more than 44,000 confirmed cases. Those most at risk are the elderly or patients with pre-existing conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.
Is coronavirus contagious?
Yes, this is a viral Infection and this new virus can spread from human to human.
How does coronavirus spread?
The disease mainly spreads from person to person through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or exhales. It can also be transmitted via contaminated surfaces.
- Through the air by coughing and sneezing
- Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
- Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands
- In rare cases, fecal contamination
How long do coronaviruses live on surfaces?
This is not an exact report but It is not clear how long the new coronavirus survives on surfaces, but the World Health Organization says it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. The agency says coronaviruses, including the one that causes Coronavirus, can persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days.
Can humans get the new coronavirus from cats and dogs?
No. as per the doctor’s report.
How do you treat the new coronavirus?
There is no vaccine and no specific antiviral medicine to prevent or treat coronavirus. Those affected should receive care to relieve symptoms and the World Health Organization says most patients recover due to supportive care.
Are bats the animal source of coronavirus?
In a study published in late February, the World Health Organization said bats appear to be the reservoir of the Coronavirus, but said the intermediate host has not yet been identified.
These are the same questions that are important to know and a candidate must prepare and remember this all for the next examinations it may be asked in the exams.
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This is all about Ten Corona Virus Related Questions that can be asked in your Exam. If you guys want to serve for the nation and wanted to clear the Defence examination, can join Major Kalshi Classes, Here we have experienced faculty for all the subjects. For more inquiries, you can call us at 9696220022 and 9696330033 or go to our official website www.majorkalshiclasses.com. Thank you. coronavirus related questions for exam.