Daily current affairs 17 June 2021 for the NDA, SSB, CDS, AFCAT, NAVY, AIR FORCE, CAPF and MNS etc.

Microsoft names CEO Satya Nadella as chairman

Microsoft Corporation, named Chief Executive Officer, Satya Nadella as its new chairman. He become CEO of Microsoft in 2014 and replaced Steve Ballmer.  He is recognised as one of the best CEO in the world by his value addition in the company. Former chairman John Thompson appointed as a lead independent director.

  • Microsoft CEO: Satya Nadella;
  • Microsoft Headquarters: Redmond, Washington, United States.

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed annually on 17th June . The aim of this day is to raise awareness of the presence of desertification and drought, and highlight methods of preventing desertification and recovering from drought.

Theme 2021- “Restoration. Land. Recovery. We build back better with healthy land”.

‘Report it, Don’t share it!’ initiative launched by Facebook

For protecting to children facebook launched ‘Report it, Don’t share it!’ initiative which encourages people to to report child abuse content over social media platform. Civil society organisations like Aarambh India Initiative, Cyber Peace Foundation and Arpan  backing this initiative.

Chief Executive Officer of Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook Headquarters: California, US.

 Formation: 2004

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