New weapons of Defence that under trial in DRDO
Friends, Raising the arms fleet in the context of the Indian Army is present in India. Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is working apart from this, the work of making weapons in the Indian Army done by the Best Infantry School and Pune Best Army and Research and Development Establishment. In the near future, ie between the middle of 2021 and the end of 2021, all these arms manufacturers have signed an agreement to produce the best weapons. In today’s article, we will talk to you about the weapons being manufactured by DRDO in the near future, which are currently under trial in DRDO.
Rudram Anti Radiation Missile Successful Tested with Sukhoi by DRDO
New weapons of Defence
Table of Contents
Weapon Detection Radar (WLR)

Weapon Detection Radar (WLR) an electronically scanned phased array radar. The radar automatically detects hostile cannons, mortars, and rocket launchers and tracks the favourable fire to detect the impact point of the friendly cannon fire by making the necessary refinements. The radar designed to detect small cross-sectioned projections across the battlefield horizon And it has the ability to simultaneously handle fire coming from weapons deployed at various locations. This radar uses advanced signal processing techniques for detecting and tracking projections in the presence of ground, seasonal movement, and other forms of disturbances in the EW landscape. When estimating both launch and impact points for the desired accuracy, algorithms for trajectory computation take environmental parameters into consideration.
The radar designed for high maneuverability, quick deployment, and decamp. The exterior design includes radar shelters, antennae, and cooling systems mounted on a sewable platform. The system designed to function in both the physical rigidity of the battlefield and the quiet hostile electronic warfare.
Aircrew parachutes
Aircrew parachutes have designed to provide a safe landing to the pilot in case of emergency. This type of parachute is the design and developed for all types of fighter aircraft available with the Indian Defense Forces.

The TAPAS-BH is a MALE UAV with an altitude of 30000 feet, 24-hour endurance with EO and SAR payloads and a range of 250 kilometers. It can carry a variety of payloads up to a maximum of 350 kg. Rustom-2 is a platform for the Indian armed forces to carry out intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance missions. Its mission requirements are to provide continuous wide area coverage and still be able to identify smaller targets. Rustom-II is comparable in the same class as HERON of IAI.
Nishant (New weapons of Defence)
Nishant is a multi-mission unmanned aerial vehicle with day/night capability using the mobile hydro-pneumatic launcher. Which used for battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance, target tracking and localization, and artillery fire correction. A sophisticated image processing system is used to analyze images transmitted from UAVs. The air vehicle has autonomous flight capability and is controlled from a user-friendly ground control station. Nishant is a highly mobile, compact, and easy deploy system. It retrieved with an aero conical parachute and impact attenuation system. Onboard flight control and navigation system enable aircraft to fly in autonomous route point navigation mode. Nishant has inducted into the Indian Army.
500 kg prefragmented bomb (New weapons of Defence)

The first 500 kg fragmentation bomb has steel shells as a block. The bomb designed to provide dual-suspension luggage with Russian as well as Jaguar aircraft. The bomb configured with proximity fuze with nasal initiation.
Armored Recovery and Repair Vehicle (Arjun ARRV)
The Arjun Armored Recovery and Repair Vehicle (Arjun ARRV) is a state-of-the-art auxiliary vehicle for mechanized forces, Developed by CVRDE as a co-development and production agency with BEML. Its versatile functions include field supply with loading, anchoring, dozing, welding, cutting, replenishment, maintenance and repair services, Includes supply of parts, provision of power supply and power-operated equipment and battery charging. It is primarily intended to provide the recovery and repair cover expected over its life span to the Arjun MBT and can be used effectively with other heavy military equipment.
Anti Submarine Rocket for RBU 6000 Launcher
ARDE has successfully developed an Extended Range Anti-Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR) to extend the range of existing RGB-60 anti submarine rockets from 5.3 km to 8.0+ km. The ERASR consists of two motor propulsion systems that can fire rockets in short range mode and long range mode to achieve various range capabilities from 500 m to 8900 m.
Career Command Post Track (CCPT) (New weapons of Defence)
The CCPT designed and developed to perform all tactical/technical fire control operations for the effective deployment of self-propelled (SP) artillery guns. This tow and self-propelled version to perform the fire control functions of all versions of the artillery gun. The tracked chassis is the first weapon of its kind with the Combat Command and Control System (ACCCS) of the Housing Artillery. The CCPT is a re-engineered vehicle with an extended chassis and additional bogie wheels. The CCPT serves as the common platform for all post-order operations of all Indian artillery guns.
Combat Improved Unstoppable Tank (New weapons of Defence)

The CI-invincible tank is the modern version of the T-72. Tank power capability raised to the level of modern combat vehicles with the Global Positioning System (GPS), Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA), and Integrated Fire Detection and Suppression System (IFDSS). The tank upgraded by HVF based on CVRDE design and released to the Army for use.
Dynamic Monitoring System (MSS) (New weapons of Defence)
It is an indigenously developed dynamic monitoring system with a 4×4 drive wheeled vehicle, suitable for 24/7 monitoring of wide areas. These areas include borders, coastal areas, coal mines, airports, seaports, etc., The system has RF, virtual and thermal range monitoring capability. In it, to locate underground/sea targets (from extremely slow man to large vehicles/ships) Short-range battlefield surveillance radar and integrated electro-optics (visible / IR video camera and laser range finder), It also includes a radar slaving facility with electro-optics for virtual confirmation of identified targets. Radar and electro-optics can operate independently. The monitoring system has successfully completed a six-month comprehensive MHA / CISF user trial at Chennai Port Trust And it was successfully displayed during the live out-door performance at Defense Expo 2020, Chennai.
Many similar weapons will manufacture by DRDO in near future. To get more information about the weapons receives by DRDO to the Indian Army, please mention in our comment box. So that we can try to solve your enlightening curiosity.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
- Other than DRDO, which labs make weapons for the Indian Army?
Answer:- In addition to DRDO, weapons manufacturing for the Indian Army includes Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (CVRDE), Ordnance Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), etc. - What weapons will DRDO provide to the Indian Army in the near future? Answer:- In the near future, the DRDO will receive weapons from the Indian Army with more firepower, smaller rifles with air force parachutes, combats to secure the tank.
- Under whom does DRDO work?
Answer:- DRDO functions under the Indian Union Minister of Defence. - Does DRDO also work for ordinary citizens?
Answer:- Yes, DRDO also makes advanced weapons and other equipment for Indian citizens from time to time. - Under whom does the Indian Army and DRDO work?
Answer:- Both the Indian Army and DRDO work under the Indian Defence Minister and the Central Government.