NDA, There SQUADRONS & Cadet Ranks

India has the world’s third-largest Army, fourth largest Airforce and seventh largest Navy in the world. This is the second Academy in the world which trains all three forces altogether where true leaders as well as gratifying mens are formed . Yes, I am talking about NDA (National Defence Academy).
Hello! Everyone In this article we shall know about the insights of NDA their Squadrons & cadet ranks in the Academy.
Friends, Being a Defence Aspirant you all must have heard about the NDA & its training which turns “BOYS IN TO GC’s”. NDA is situated in Khadakwasla, Pune, Maharasta. The National Defence Academy was formally commissioned on 7 Dec.1954 & an inauguration ceremony held on 16 Jan 1955. The 10th JSW (Joint Service Wing) programme was transferred from clement Town, Dehradun to NDA Khadakwasla.
The Academy Spans of 8,022 acres (32.46 km2) having enough space to train the boys for Army, Navy &Airforce. In the Academy, Cadets are imported a blend of Outdoor & indoor training. NDA has an excellent infrastructure for all-round training of cadets & a vast array of facilities like spacious & well-maintained classrooms, well equipped labs, two Olympic size Swimming pools, a gym, 32 football fields, 2 polo grounds, a cricket stadium and a number of squash and tennis courts. The whole academic year is divided into two terms spring (Jan to May) & Autumn (July to Dec.) After qualifying the written examinations conducted by UPSC every year candidate has to face the SSB and had to get recommended. Candidates who successfully complete the training program with a good Academics are sent to their respective training academies for one year of training before getting commissioned. Further trainings are conducted at INDIAN MILITARY ACADEMY (IMA). AIR FORCE ACADEMY (AFA), INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY (INA).
Insights of NDA
The SUDAN BLOCK- Aesthetic in form, Sudan block is a symbol of Tri-Services Academy. Sudan Block has been named after the African Republic of Sudan which had gifted 100,000 in 1941 for a war memorial for Indian Soldiers fought in world WAR II. On 30 May, 1959 it was inaugurated by Rahmatulla Abdulla, Ambassador of Sudan. Sudan Block is now the headquarter of NDA & departments of English, Hindi, History, Economics, Political Science & other Foreign Language.

- Habibullah Hall- In the memory of Late Major General InayatHabibullah& the first commandant of NDA the auditorium is named as Habibullah Hall. It has a seating capacity of over 1700 people an plays hosts to various events.
- The Habibullah hall is where the Adjutant addresses the academy each term on the importance of the Academy Honour code.
- Haircut –The most interesting thing that a cadet faces first is his haircut or you call it- topi- cut. By this, I mean that when you put on your beret, there should be no hair visible! And a haircut is to be taken every week without fail.
- Fort Singarh- This is a beautiful fort visible on the sky-line from NDA. A nice place for a picnic, you would think. But nothing could be more devastating than physical exertion climbing up to the singarh and immediately heading bank to Academy-all within a fixed time frame.

- Boxing- Many of you must have been rowdy any moment but being a 1st termer in NDA you have to box in NDA-or get boxed! In something called-“Novices boxing.” But, I must admit there is no any way to know if a person is fable or not other than boxing.
- Gole Market- For NDA cadets, coming to the Gole Market is like a breath of fresh air as if they had been shifted back to civilization. Apart from the Shoe-polish & brush, they get several delicious things to eat in the market. With their Maroon tie & Mufti’s the gentlemen cadets can be easily noticed.

- Cross Country- The big fish on the plate is the Inter-Squadron Cross Country. The competition which is held every term and which counted towards the Inter- Squadron championship Banner.
- Bicycle- Other than the squadron Friends, Bicycle is the prominent friend of a cadet. Cycling daily to many kms. grows up to their daily habit in the academy.

Squadrons & Battalions
You all must have heard the names like Alpha, Bravo, Charlie etc. in the war movies. Some of these are the names of the Squadrons & Battalions of NDA.
On the very first day at the Academy, a cadet is allotted to one of the 18 squadrons which becomes his home & squadron inmates his siblings for the next three years.
There are 5 Battalions & 18 squadrons in the Academy.
Official names are not given to the battalions but are treated as Tiger, Dolphin, Eagle, Abhimanyu and Hawks.
Further, these battalions contain 18 more squadrons which have their unique nickname & a rich history since being formed.
No. 1 Battalion
- Alpha Squadron (Dominance in Cross-Country)
- Bravo Squadron (Dominance in Banner)
- Charlie Squadron (Dominance in Drill)
- Delta Squadron (Dominance in Boxing)
No. 2 Battalion
- Echo Squadron (Dominance in Cross-Country)
- Foxtrot Squadron (Dominance in Volleyball)
- Golf Squadron (Dominance in Banner & Light out)
- Hunter Squadron (Dominance in Boxing & Games)
No. 3 Battalion
- India Squadron (Dominance in Banner & Academies)
- Juliet Squadron (Dominance in Basketball)
- Kilo Squadron (Dominance in Announcements)
- Lima Squadron (Dominance in Camps)
No. 4 Battalion
- Mike Squadron (Dominance inGames)
- November Squadron (Dominance inBanner)
- Oscar Squadron (Dominance inGames)
- Panther Squadron (Dominance inPublic Speaking)
No. 5 Battalion
- Quebec Squadron (Games)
- Romeo Squadron (Academics)
- Quebec Squadron & Romeo Squadron is newly formed Squadron among all.
Each Squadron comprise 100 to 120 cadets from a mixture of Juniors & Seniors in the academy. There is also a prestigious Inter Squadron Championship trophy which is awarded to the best Squadron and the one who wins it has the proud tradition of possession of the champion banner for one term which is carried during the parade and other sports meet.
Cadets & their Ranks
Ranks or Appointments are held by cadets during the Academy so that their leadership qualities can be more polished.
In NDA cadets held the followers ranks:-
- ACC (Academy Cadet Captain)
6th term
1 in Academy.
- ACA (Academy Cadet Adjutant)
6th term
1 in Academy
- BCC (Battalion Cadet Captain)
6th term
1 in Battalion
- BCA (Battalion Cadet Adjutant)
6th term
1 in Battalion
- SCC (Squadron Cadet Captain)
6th term
1 in Squadron
- DCC (Divisional Cadet Captain)
6th term
3 in Squadron
- CSM (Cadet Seargent Major)
1 per squadron
- CQMS (Cadet QuartermasterSeargent)
6th term
1 per Squadron
- Seargents
5th term
3 per Squadron
Flag corporals 4th term
2 in Academy
Corporals 4th term
6 in Squadron
Though the cadets are divided into squadrons or Battalion but all are trained to serve their motherland with a single motto “Service Before Self ”.
“Jai Hind”.