Girls can also appear in NDA Exam:- Supreme Court allow girls to appear for NDA.
Girls in NDA Exam:- This is good news for the girls, Supreme Court allow girls to appear for the NDA examination and can be the officers’ through the National Defence Academy. During the hearing, a case supreme court criticised the Indian Army and said they are discriminating based on gender and this is against the article -14 (right of equality), article-15 (discrimination based on gender), article-16 (equal opportunities in matters of public employment) Article-19 (freedom to practise a profession). The Bench ordered those female candidates to sit for the NDA exam on September 5 but the admissions will be subject to the petition’s outcome.
Girls can also appear in NDA Exam:-
A writ petition was filed by Kush Kalra seeking permission for women to sit for the NDA entrance exam. The petition raised the issue of violation of Articles 14, 15, 16 and 19 of the Constitution of India by denying the opportunity to eligible women candidates to join NDA.
As per the petitioner, the eligible female candidates have been denied the opportunity to join the National Defence Academy on the basis of their sex, which later becomes a hurdle in the career advancement opportunities for female officers.
The government allows unmarried male candidates having adequate 10+2 qualifications to take the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination, however, eligible and willing female candidates are not allowed to take this examination on the sole ground of their sex and without any reasonable or justifiable explanations, the petitioner contended.
During the hearing, the Centre said, “Women are being granted equal opportunity in the armed forces in the avenues that have been opened up for employment of women. There is no violation of any fundamental right merely on account of the mode of entries available to men and women to join the armed forces.”
The Additional Solicitor General said there are three modes of entry in the Army- NDA, Indian Military Academy (IMA) and Officers’ Training Academy (OTA) and that women are permitted entry through OTA and IMA.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the written examination to be conducted by the Commission followed by an intelligence and personality test by the Services Selection Board of candidates who qualify in the written examination.
The written examination will be held for two subjects – Mathematics and General Ability Test. Both papers will be for two and a half hours. Mathematics paper will be of 300 marks and General Ability Test will be of 600 marks.

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This is all about the Girls can also appear in NDA Exam:- Supreme Court allow girls to appear for NDA. If you guys want to serve the nation and want to clear the Defence examination, join Major Kalshi Classes, Here we have experienced faculty for all the subjects. For more inquiries, you can call us at 9696220022 and 9696330033 or go to our official website Thank you.