Download Air Force X & Y Group Admit card 2018
Indian Air Force has released the much awaited admit card for Air Force X & Y Group Examination to be scheduled on 3rd/4th/5th& 6th May 2018.
All the candidates who have applied successfully will have to download the admit card for appearing in air men selection test failing which they will not be allowed to appear in this examination.
Candidates can download the admit card going through their log in account. They just need to follow some easy steps which are given below in his blog.
Exam Schedule
Date | 3/4/5/6 May 2018 |
Time | Depend on the shift given in admit card |
Steps to download Admit Card-
Step-I: Visit Official
Step-II:Log in to your account using candidate’s username and password given while applying the online application.
Step-III:Click on the Download Admit Card link
Step-IV:Keep two colored print out for future reference
Click here to download admit card-
Important Instructions for Candidates:
- The admit card is issued on the basis of the information given by the candidates while applying online.
- Any discrepancy found in the information mentioned by you in online application with that mentioned in that mentioned in the originals shall render you ineligible to appear to the test.
- If there is any error in the admit card candidates are advised to bring in the notice of examination in-charge before the exam at examination hall.
- Phase-I Test will be computer based online test.
- Candidates are to carry valid id proof (Adhaar Card/Driving License/Voter Card/id proof issued by school/college etc.) while reporting for the Phase-I Online Exam.
- If called for Phase-II, bring this admit card along with the admit card of Phase-II Testing.
- Candidates are to bring two passport size photo identical to the photo uploaded while applying online application.
- Any electronic device like mobile phones, digital watch, calculators etc. are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.
- There is no need to bring original educational documents in the Phase-I Testing.
- Please bring blue/black ink pen for signature and rough work.
- Candidates will not be allowed to enter he examination hall after 15 minutes of the commencement of the examination.
In case candidates face any problem while downloading admit card kindly call-9696330033