English Practice Questions For CDS Exam

Combined Defence Services Examination is scheduled on 4th February 2018. Candidates are concerned about their performance in this exam but there is no need to worry. As we all know that English plays very important role in CDS Examination for all academies and most of the time it can make or break the chances of selection.

There are many things in the English paper but S1& S6 questions are quite tough so here we bring the collection of questions on this pattern.

Que.1-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: I first came to Poland in the autumn of 1986

S6: was I still interested?

P: I had been keeping an eye on the notice board of the English Department for a prospective job

Q: It was my last month as a student at the University of York

R: It was at the University of Lo’dz, which I had never heard of

S: one day I spotted a little note concerning a lectureship

The proper sequence should be:

  • SRQP (b) QPSR (c) SPQR (d) QRSP


Que.2-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: All the fossil fuel that we use today came from green plants.

S6: The income that Dr. Calvin is talking about is the sun‘s energy which living green plants capture and store up every day.

P: ―And now we are burning it all up in just 100 or 200 years!‖ says Dr. Calvin.

Q: We have nearly used up all our savings.

R: It took hundreds of millions of years for those plants to change into coal, oil, and gas.

S: ―It is time for us now to begin living on our income‖, says Calvin.

Which one of the following is the correct sequence?

  • Q S R P (b) R P Q S (c) Q P R S (d) R Q Q P


Que.3-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: Dinner had been served-his daughter laid out the plates.

S6: Then, silently she left the table to retire for the nightit was as if she had never been there.

P: She was just a child, only 14-too young, too simple to know to understand.

Q: He sat down groundly, not saying a word to her.

R: She had already had her meal and was standing by his side, not quite knowing what to do.

S: Bread and cheese-a simple subsistence at the end of a not-so-simple life.

Which one of the following is the correct sequence?

(a) Q P S R (b) R P S Q (c) Q R P S (d) S Q P R


Que.4-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: I sat at the table and ate.

S6: I was just the normal Ramaswamy, husband of Madeleine.

P: My breathing became suddenly difficult.

Q: I concentrated on my food and I was convinced I had to eat.

R: I stopped, however, any exhibition of the extraordinary.

S: But lungs have temperament.

The proper sequence should be

  • P R S Q (b) Q S P R (c) Q S R P (d) S P R Q


Que.5-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: Imitation is not civilization.

S6: When a man has begun to be ashamed of his ancestors, the end has come.

P: As ass in a lion‘s skin never makes a lion.

Q: It is verily the sign of awful degradation in a man.

R: Cowardly imitation never makes for progress.

S: When a man has begun to hate himself; then the last blow has come.

The proper sequence should be:

  • P Q R S (b) S P R Q (c) P R Q S (d) Q S R P


Que.6-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: Jadish Chandra Bose was born on 30 November, 1853 at Parikhal, now in Bangladesh. MockTime.com 2

S6: He himself founded some technical and industrial schools.

P: But he also knew that without technical education India could not become a great nation.

Q: His father BabuBhagwandas was a remarkable man.

R: He had a high regard for India‘s ancient culture.

S: Through he was an important government official, yet he did not give up his independence of thought.

The proper sequence should be:

  • Q P R S (b) R S Q P (c) Q S R P (d) R P S Q


Que.7-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: Get hold of the catalogues of the colleges in the United States.

S6: They all aim at the first rate.

P: I think there is a common feature and that every course given has a similar aim.

Q: Is there any common feature in these courses?

R: You will find courses in innumerable subjects.

S: Is there any aim which all of them have?

The proper sequence should be:

  • R Q S P (b) P Q R S (c) R Q P S (d) P R S Q


Que.8-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: A devastating earthquake had hit Mexico city.

S6: The condition of 1000 others was reported unsafe.

P: Fifty more were later judged dangerously close to falling.

Q: The quake‘s force was measured at 7.8 on the Richter scale.

R: In four chaotic minutes, an estimated 250 buildings collapsed in downtown Mexico city.

S: It was the world‘s most severe quake since the quake in Chile last March.

The proper sequence should be

  • S R P Q (b) Q S R P (c) P Q S R (d) R P Q S


Que.9-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: A boy tried to discover how wasps find their way home.

S6: These wasps flew straight home.

P: He carried them two miles away and let them go.

Q: First, he marked each of a number of wasps with a white spot.

R: He then put them into a paper box.

S: To do this he carried out a test on them.

The proper sequence should be

  • P S Q R (b) S R Q P (c) S Q R P (d) Q P S R


Que.10-Find out the proper sequence of the given sentences.

S1: The essence of democracy is the active participation of the people in government affairs.

S6: By and large it is the actual practice of our way of life.

P: When the people are active watchmen and participants, we have that fertile soil in which democracy flourishes.

Q: Our democracy is founded upon a faith in the overall judgment of the people as a whole.

R: When the people do not participate, the spirit of democracy dies.

S: When the people are honestly and clearly informed, their commonsense can be relied upon the carry the nation safely through any crisis.

The proper sequence should be

  • R P S Q (b) P R S Q (c) S P Q R (d) P S R Q


  1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. d 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. a
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